Return policy

Right of withdrawal

You have a fourteen-day right of withdrawal.

You have the right to cancel your order within fourteen days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period is fourteen days from the day on which you or a third party named by you, who is not the carrier, has taken possession of the last goods.

To start a return, you can contact us at

If your return is accepted, we will send you a return shipping label, as well as instructions on how and where to send your package. Items sent back to us without first requesting a return will not be accepted.

Only items purchased directly from Meallio website can be returned in the manner described above. Meallio products purchased from other retailers must be returned according to their respective return policies.

The direct costs of returning the goods will not be borne by Meallio. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, the right of withdrawal does not apply to the following contracts: Contracts for the delivery of sealed goods which are not suitable for return for reasons of health protection or hygiene if their seal has been removed after delivery.

What happens after cancellation?

Upon receiving your package in our warehouse, we have a 14-day window to process a refund. The refund will adhere to our stipulated refund policy and will be issued using the same payment method as the original order, unless alternative arrangements are made. Refund initiation is contingent upon the package's arrival at our warehouse or upon providing evidence of its receipt. 

Received the wrong product?

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. Our utmost priority is to deliver top-notch service and products to our valued customers. Rest assured, we are committed to swiftly resolving this issue.

In the event of receiving an wrong product, kindly reach out to us via email with the subject "Wrong Product" and include your order number. Upon receiving your email, we will commence an investigation and provide you with the next steps within 1-2 business days. If the error occurred due to an accidental order on your part, we're more than happy to replace the product, but please note that shipping costs will be your responsibility.

Can I change my order after I have place it?

Unfortunately, once an order has been shipped, it is not possible to change the it.